Beijing Blues Bash


Beijing Blues Bash,which also goes by BBB, is an annual blues event held in Beijing on the third weekend in March. In this event, you will enjoy 3 nights in row of social dancing of both juking and ballroomin with dancers all around the world to live blues music of talented musicians from both domestic and abroad.
The music varies from traditional delta blues, country blues, Chicago rhythm blues to rock and roll and Slow Jazz, etc.; you will have 8-hour classes by the top notch international instructors including a blues culture lecture as well as a taster class; you will be excited to watch the spectacular performances from far and near; you will be thrilled to see the competitions of solo and partner dancing.
There is always a surprise that you cannot imagine during BBB. It is an event that old friends get together; an event that makes new friends; an event that explores yourself; an event that embraces yourself; an event that digs your soul; an event that keeps blues alive.
Due to the coronavirus this year, 2020BBB was cancelled considering the safety and health of dancers. Nevertheless, we will definitely meet next year.

Event organizers:Annie Luo and BBB team

21271583485956_.pic_hdBeijing Blues Bash, 又称作 BBB,是每年三月份第三个周末在北京举办的布鲁斯舞蹈文化活动。 活动中,舞者们可以享受连续三晚、现场乐队伴奏的社交舞。

现场伴奏不仅有国内顶级布鲁斯乐队,同时还有国外一流歌手和乐队的助阵;音乐种类多样,舞者既可以尽情舞出浪漫ballroomin,又可以跳出酷辣juke joints, 当然更少不了我们的王牌DJ 们为舞者奉献各自的拿手好歌。

8 小时的舞蹈课,包括一小时的布鲁斯文化,一小时的公开课, 全部由国际一流老师授课。城市表演是BBB的保留节目, 这是集体亮相的时刻,也是展现团队合作的精神。紧张而刺激的比赛让个人有机会在舞台上大放光彩。在BBB的活动上, 总有让你无法想象的惊喜。

这是一次老友团聚, 结实新友的聚会;这是一次探索自我、挖掘自我、释放自我、拥抱自我的聚会,这更是一次让布鲁斯活在每个人心中的聚会。
