Beijing Balboa Weekend

Beijing-Balboa-WeekendBeijing Balboa Weekend is the first and the only event in China that is dedicated entirely to Balboa. The event’s goal is to raise the level of Chinese Balboa scene, and give an opportunity to Balboa dancers all over China to have a full weekend of classes and parties without the need of going abroad. The main focus of the event at the moment is the workshops with some of the best instructors in the world and three nights of social dancing.

Organizers: Leru and Beijing Balboa Team

Beijing Balboa Weekend 是国内首创且唯一的一个致力于Balboa舞蹈的活动。活动的宗旨是为了提升中国Balboa舞蹈的水准,同时为全国的Balboa舞者提供了一个难得的机会,足不出户便可享有一整个周末的课程和舞会。活动目前专注于邀请赋有盛名的国际大师教授专题课程以及三晚的社交舞会。
